While working with Carolina For Kibera (CFK) for two months as a Communications Assistant in 2014, I had anticipated the good and the bad that I had seen first hand a number of times before, watched on TV and also heard others talk about.
Being the photographer and story writer responsible for several occasions, I once accompanied colleagues to Lindi, one of the Villages in Kibera during CFK's regular Taka ni Pato (Trash is Cash) program. The program works to promote and support community-run
environmental programs that create jobs for both youth and women in Kibera slum. Waste management in Kibera is quite poor as garbage is
thrown in trenches, sewage openings and all over the neighborhood.
one walks through the neighborhoods it takes a strong and resistant heart to
stay in that environment for long. The stench from a combination of human
waste, animal waste, piled rubbish mixing with and staying in water for days or
weeks, rotten food on walking paths and public areas, all show the inhumane
living conditions of which their bodies have been desensitized.
It is sincerely heartbreaking to think or imagine the reality that any human being lives in such a place on a daily basis. My conscience was a bit satisfied that I was part of a good cause to one of the worst of the worst places in one of the world's largest informal settlements. such scenes can only make one want to do more good for the extremely underprivileged around the world.