ONE Youth Ambassadors is an initiative that seeks to empower more than 100 activists across Europe to carry out the fight against extreme poverty. They campaign locally, nationally and online. ONE thinks that the youth is a state of mind, therefore they seek applications from anyone between 16 and 35 years old with the odd space available for outstanding candidates who are over 35 but still young at heart.
would become leaders for the ONE Campaign in their communities and
beyond, and carry out a variety of creative, ambitious, and
innovative actions in support of their advocacy work, particularly
around the European elections.
Their tasks include writing to and meeting their local Members of Parliament and candidates for the European elections, lobbying members of the European Parliament, meeting with influential decision-maker, campaigning using social media, organizing and delivering local events/presentations, writing letters to local media, recruiting new members and attending ONE events.
believes this is a critical moment in the fight against extreme
poverty. From 1990 to 2000, global extreme poverty dropped from
43% of the worlds’ population to 33%. From 2000 to 2010, extreme poverty
worldwide went down again to 21%thereby cutting it in half over
the past twenty years. If this trend continues, extreme poverty can be virtually eliminated by 2030.