
Thursday, 29 November 2012

Mankind's Heartfelt Desire to Eradicate HIV/ AIDS: GETTING TO ZERO

                 This Saturday, Decemebr 1st, it's another World Aids Day with the theme “Getting to zero.” 

       Getting to zero 2011-2015 Strategy is a Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/ AIDS (UNAIDS) that aims to advance global progress in achieving country set targets for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support and to halt and reverse the spread of HIV and contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development goals by 2015.   

            The campaign aims to achieve 3 zeros: 0 -HIV infections, 0 -discrimination and 0 -Aids-related deaths. It builds on last year’s successful World AIDS Day "Light for Rights" initiative encompassing a range of vital issues identified by key affected populations.

      As a representative of the youth, I find this very encouraging and optimistic, for the fact that I can and will contribute much to see this become a possibility. Africa having been ravaged by this scourge, I get the motivating to participate in my full capacity.

            Some might argue that it's a bit too ambitious but I push every inch of pessimism aside. So, let's support UNAIDS and every human being affected by HIV/ AIDS so that we live to see such kind of history in our lifetime as well as save the youth of our time.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

School of Journalism finally launches The Campus Clarion magazine

           It's great and satisfying to be associated with the pioneering team of "The Campus Clarion", University of Nairobi School of Journalism students' magazine, which is finally out. It has been a long, tough and trying journey but when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. We proved that right!

           I'm glad to be on the cover page with other  committed and persevering comrades, and my story "Behold The Lytro, The Next Level in Photography" is on page 15, besides other stories and articles from various talented and gifted sojerians.

We hope and believe this is the beginning of a journey that will lead to much more evidence of the immense abilities of NUJOSA students. Enjoy the magazine.